Contrada Cefalicchio S.P. 143 km 4,1
IT 76012 Canosa di Puglia BT
Product range

Eucalyptus gunnii

Eucalyptus gunnii

Eucalyptus is a tree, but it can also be cultivated as shrub. Usually, it is evergreen although some tropical species tend to lose their leaves at the end of the dry season. It has an erected trunk, which is robust and with a gray bark that tends to break into red scales with the advancing of the plant’s age. The foliage is oval, but not too wide. The leaves are oval and gray-blue coloured, and in summer they produce small white or greenish pompom-shaped flowers that are followed then by small and rounded fruits containing the seeds.

Eucalyptus foliage contains a very aromatic essential oil that is used in Herbal Medicine and also by the pharmaceutical industry. It is recommended to place the plant in a sunny place and sheltered from the wind. The Eucalyptus gunnii does not fear the cold, but part of the hair may be ruined by the intense winter winds. The plant requires to be placed in full sunlight areas.

We produce different sizes, pots and shapes (Bush, Tree, Ball, and Pyramid).

Product range

Dipladenia Sundaville

Dipladenia Sundaville

Dipladenia is an evergreen climbing plant. The leaves are shiny and spear shaped, whereas the flowers are bell-shaped and open themselves in five lobes. Depending on the species, the colour varies from white to yellow, until to be pink or purple-red. It must be watered regularly, and it does not need a lot of water and can tolerates short periods of drought  without any problem, therefore the plant shall be exposed to half-shade. It must be placed in a well-lit spot, but not with direct light because this could burn the leaves and make the flowers less long-lasting.

This plant must also be protected by currents and wind, which could compromise its growth and abort the flowers. It does not fear the summer heat, but it fears the bitter cold, especially if this is intense and prolonged.

We produce different sizes, pots and shapes (Bush, Tree, Basket, Pyramid, Espalier)

Product range

Opuntia ficus indica

Opuntia ficus indica

Opuntia ficus indica is an evergreen plant belonging to the family of cactus. It is composed of oval, flattened, and fleshy segments called ‘phylloctades’. From late spring until the summer, this plant produces many flowers that are distributed over the phylloctades. Following the flowers, green, ovals, fleshy and spiny fruits come in succession, and then they become purplish-red during the ripening. The entire plant is edible.

We produce different shapes (available with or without fruit)

Product range

Laurus nobilis

Laurus nobilis

Laurus nobilis is an evergreen shrub that grows slowly. At the beginning, the stem is reddish brown, then it becomes gray. The leaves are shiny and have the undulating margin, the underside is opaque, whereas the upper side is very dark green. The flowers are very small and are white-yellow coloured.

This plant blooms in March-April and it can be exposed to both partial shade and bright sunlight. It resists well to high and low temperatures, but it can fear intense and prolonged frosts. Concerning the watering, it is necessary to avoid too long periods of drought.

We produce different sizes, pots and shapes (Bush, Tree, Ball, and Pyramid).

Product range

Punica granatum nanum

Punica granatum nanum

Punica granatum nanum belongs to ornamental rounded and compact shrubs with shiny green caduceus leaves that become golden yellow in autumn. Throughout the summer, it produces a spectacular red florescence and small non-edible, red-orange fruits from August to November. It requires to be exposed to sunny bright areas.

We produce different sizes, pots and shapes (Bush, Tree, and Pyramid)

Product range

General Catalogue

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Company profile

Virtual Tour: Cefalicchio ( and Masseria (Serre) (

Spread over an area of 80 hectares, Caporalplant is specialised in the production of Mediterranean plants.

Caporalplant offers a vast assortment of potted flowering plants, such as Lantana, Solanum, Bougainvillea, Dipladenia, Polygala etc., as well as green plants like Phyllostachys Bamboo, Arbutus unedo, Pittosporum tobira, and Eucalyptus gunnii, to name but a few, along with an important collection of aromatic plants having different sizes and shapes.  Among the Mediterranean plants, are Punica granatum, Olea europaea, Vitis vinifera, Opuntia ficus indica, and Ficus carica.

Professionalism, wide range of products, state-of-the-art and clean technology, let alone excellent logistics facilities, are key to our core business strategy for securing high quality standards.  The ongoing search for new products, then, is one of the company’s most important goals to be competitive on the market and also stay abreast with the challenges of innovation, with a view to both diversification and sustainable development.
