Via del Molino 7
IT 50014 Fiesole (FI)
Product range

Mediterranean plants from Sicily and Apulia:

Arenaria, Bougainvillea, Callistemon, Campanula, Citrus, Cytisus, Dianthus, Dipladenia, Gardenia, Hibiscus, Kentia, Lantana, Myrtus,  Nerium o., Olea e., Ornithogallum, Palms, Passiflora, Plumeria, Polygala, Rosa, Saxifraga, Solanum, Wax flowers, …etc.

Company profile

Mittelmeer Pflanzen, your Mediterranean plants partner

since 1996 we make mediterranean plants export to wholesalers and gardencentres in Germany, Austria, Holland, Great Britain, Switzerland. We collaborate with growers located in Sicily and since 2012 also with growers located in Apulia.

We organize:
- the visit with the customer of the nurseries;
- the transport of the plants with CC-trolleys on trucks with controlled temperature.

We weekly check the quality of the plants and send by email the availability to the customers.

When we load the plants, our customers receive by email the list of plants loaded, the growers invoices, the number of trolleys and info about the unload date.

For our organization we take a commission.

Our growers produce: Bougainvillea, Callistemon, Citrus, Palms, Sundavillea, Laurus, Nerium o., Olea e., Howea f., Passiflora, Lantana, Dianthus, Lavandula, Dipladenia, Mandevillea, Ficus c., Myrtus, Polygala m., Rosa, Rosmarinus, etc...
